

#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import types
class notintegererror(exception):
class outofrangeerror(exception):
_mapping = (u’零’, u’一’, u’二’, u’三’, u’四’, u’五’, u’六’, u’七’, u’八’, u’九’, )
_p0 = (u”, u’十’, u’百’, u’千’, )
_s4, _s8, _s16 = 10 ** 4 , 10 ** 8, 10 ** 16
_min, _max = 0, 9999999999999999
def _to_chinese4(num):
”’转换[0, 10000)之间的阿拉伯数字
assert(0 = 10:
lst.append(num % 10)
num = num / 10
c = len(lst) # 位数
result = u”
for idx, val in enumerate(lst):
if val != 0:
result += _p0[idx] + _mapping[val]
if idx < c - 1 and lst[idx + 1] == 0: result += u'零' return result[::-1].replace(u'一十', u'十') def _to_chinese8(num): assert(num < _s8) to4 = _to_chinese4 if num < _s4: return to4(num) else: mod = _s4 high, low = num / mod, num % mod if low == 0: return to4(high) + u'万' else: if low < _s4 / 10: return to4(high) + u'万零' + to4(low) else: return to4(high) + u'万' + to4(low) def _to_chinese16(num): assert(num < _s16) to8 = _to_chinese8 mod = _s8 high, low = num / mod, num % mod if low == 0: return to8(high) + u'亿' else: if low < _s8 / 10: return to8(high) + u'亿零' + to8(low) else: return to8(high) + u'亿' + to8(low) def to_chinese(num): if type(num) != types.inttype and type(num) != types.longtype: raise notintegererror(u'%s is not a integer.' % num) if num < _min or num > _max:
raise outofrangeerror(u’%d out of range[%d, %d)’ % (num, _min, _max))
if num < _s4: return _to_chinese4(num) elif num < _s8: return _to_chinese8(num) else: return _to_chinese16(num) if __name__ == '__main__': print to_chinese(9000)

Posted in 未分类
