

#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import osimport optparse

location_none = ‘none’location_mid = ‘mid’location_mid_gap = ‘mid_gap’location_tail = ‘tail’location_tail_gap = ‘tail_gap’

notations = { location_none: ”, location_mid: ‘├─’, location_mid_gap: ‘│ ‘, location_tail: ‘└─’, location_tail_gap: ‘ ‘}

class node(object): def __init__(self, name, depth, parent=none, location=location_none): = name self.depth = depth self.parent = parent self.location = location self.children = []

def __str__(self): sections = [] parent = self.has_parent() if parent: if self.is_tail(): sections.insert(0, notations[location_tail]) else: sections.insert(0, notations[location_mid]) self.__insert_gaps(self, sections) return ”.join(sections)

def __insert_gaps(self, node, sections): parent = node.has_parent() # parent exists and parent’s parent is not the root node if parent and parent.has_parent(): if parent.is_tail(): sections.insert(0, notations[location_tail_gap]) else: sections.insert(0, notations[location_mid_gap]) self.__insert_gaps(parent, sections)

def has_parent(self): return self.parent

def has_children(self): return self.children

def add_child(self, node): self.children.append(node)

def is_tail(self): return self.location == location_tail

class tree(object): def __init__(self): self.nodes = []

def debug_print(self): for node in self.nodes: print(str(node) + ‘/’)

def write2file(self, filename): try: with open(filename, ‘w’) as fp: fp.writelines(str(node) + ‘/\n’ for node in self.nodes) except ioerror as e: print(e) return 0 return 1

def build(self, path): self.__build(path, 0, none, location_none)

def __build(self, path, depth, parent, location): if os.path.isdir(path): name = os.path.basename(path) node = node(name, depth, parent, location) self.add_node(node) if parent: parent.add_child(node)

entries = self.list_folder(path) end_index = len(entries) – 1 for i, entry in enumerate(entries): childpath = os.path.join(path, entry) location = location_tail if i == end_index else location_mid self.__build(childpath, depth + 1, node, location)

def list_folder(self, path): “””folders only.””” return [d for d in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, d))] # for entry in os.listdir(path): # childpath = os.path.join(path, entry) # if os.path.isdir(childpath): # yield entry

def add_node(self, node): self.nodes.append(node)

def _parse_args(): parser = optparse.optionparser() parser.add_option( ‘-p’, ‘–path’, dest=’path’, action=’store’, type=’string’, default=’./’, help=’the path to generate the tree [default: %default]’) parser.add_option( ‘-o’, ‘–out’, dest=’file’, action=’store’, type=’string’, help=’the file to save the result [default: pathname.trees]’) options, args = parser.parse_args() # positional arguments are ignored return options

def main(): options = _parse_args() path = options.path if not os.path.isdir(path): print(‘%s is not a directory’ % path) return 2

if not path or path == ‘./’: filepath = os.path.realpath(__file__) # for linux path = os.path.dirname(filepath) tree = tree() # tree.debug_print() if options.file: filename = options.file else: name = os.path.basename(path) filename = ‘%s.trees’ % name return tree.write2file(filename)

if __name__ == ‘__main__’: import sys sys.exit(main())



gtest_start/├─build/├─lib/│ └─gtest/├─output/│ ├─primer/│ │ ├─debug/│ │ │ ├─lib/│ │ │ └─obj/│ │ └─release/│ │ ├─lib/│ │ └─obj/│ └─thoughts/│ ├─debug/│ │ ├─lib/│ │ └─obj/│ └─release/│ ├─lib/│ └─obj/├─src/│ ├─primer/│ └─thoughts/├─test/│ ├─primer/│ └─thoughts/├─third_party/│ └─gtest/└─tools/
