Background and Aims
China isa big agriculturalc
China’s agricultural water c onsumpti on stillaccounts for 7 0 percent of the
country’s total water consumption, a n d in the country’s water consumption,
agricultural evaporation of water c onsumpti on accounts for about 9 0 percent.
S o m e countries ha v e adopt ed a d v a n c e d water-saving irrigation systems.
S o w e wa n t to achieve the purpose of water-saving irrigation a n d automation of
Basic framework
Central master controls y st em
Acquisition a n d controlm
o d u l e
Wireless c ommuni c a ti on mo d u l e
Soil moisture sensor
Meteorological observation station
Solenoid valve a n d other equipment
Alibaba cloud Iotp
Network structure
Control center
C G P R S wirelesscontroller
Valve controller
Control principle
- Eq u i pme n t controlfunction
Th e equipment control function includes
the individual control ofe
a c h solenoid valve
a n d water p u m p in the field a n d the rotation
control of the solenoid valve. In the c a s e of
individual control, farmers c a n individually
o p e n or close e a c h device o n the monitoring
Control principle
- Alarm function
The alarm function ismainly carried out for
important operations a n d analog quantity
exceeding limits.
According to the conditions of the on- site
computer, the alarm m e t h o d c a n ha v e two
methods: s o u n d a n d light a n d S M S . Itisnecessary
to configure the corresponding speaker a n d S M S
sending mo d u l e inthe p u m p r o o m monitoring
Control principle
- User m a n a g e m e n t f
The users of the field p u m p hous e m a n a g e m e n t s y st em
mainly include farmers w h o operate the s y st em a n d maintenance
personnel for corresponding parameter settings. Different users get
different permissions by logging inwith user n a m e s a n d passwords.Control principle
- Data uploadfunction
The on-site monitoring station isonly the bo tt om monitoring s y st em of the
entire system. Itisthe bo tt om data acquisition system. For the upper
m a n a g e m e n t system, italso includes the function of uploading data to the
monitoring system.
Control principle
- Data uploadfunction
The on-site monitoring station isonly the bo tt om monitoring s y st em of the
entire system. Itisthe bo tt om data acquisition system. For the upper
m a n a g e m e n t system, italso includes the function of uploading data to the
monitoring system.
Of course s y st em still exists o m e shortcomings, such as scalability,
automatic irrigation equipment set u p s o m e expensive still,s y st em operation is
not simple, etc., but anywa y , w e willtry our best to slowly quantitative solve these
problems, willnot reduce to a mi n imum.
s o l v ti o n :
1.we make an operate document for the system ,and find people to train new one
2.To save cost, we can replace Alibaba platform with free IOT platform
3.Add mobile terminal control implementation function blockConclution
With this s y st em,we c a n according to m a n a g e s y st em control the
water u s e a n d u s e p h o n e t o a l a rm,t h a n it ma k e t h e wa t e r u s e i n
time , u s e i n ri g h t amo u n t。
Thus, wa st e water irrigation isn o longer there are so ma n y , c a n save about
forty percent of irrigation water from the data, farmers irrigation labor costs by u p to
8 5 %,
S t u d y fr o m r e s e a r c h
S i m i l a r l y , w e a ls o l e a r n e d t h e b r o a d p r o s p e c ts o f I O T a p p l i c a t i o n i n
a g r i c u l t u r e , a s w e l l a s v a r i o u s t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d o p e r a t i o n p r o c e ss e s o f I O T
a p p l i c a t i o n a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n i n t h is p r o j e c t , s o a s t o l a y a f o u n d a t i o n
f o r t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f c o r r e s p o n d i n g p r o j e c ts i n t h e f u t u r eTh a n k yo u !
The system is mainly through the sensor and IOT platform to achieve effective control of
water use, through the sensor sensing soil moisture, early warning watering area, and the
amount of watering. Through the computer system to control the user’s water demand,
water authority and water consumption, also through the mobile phone to receive data,
early warning and control water pump irrigation