在照彭武兴先生的《php bible》中所述,header可以送出status标头,如 就可以让用户浏览器出现文件找不到的404错误,但是我试了这样是不行的。 后来我到w3.org上查了http的相关资料,终于试出来了如何header出状态代码(status),与大家分享。 其实应该是这样的: header(“http/1.1 403 forbidden”); ?> 第一部分为http协议的版本(http-version) 第二部分为状态代码(status) 第三部分为原因短语(reason-phrase) 三部分中间用一个空格分开,且中间不能有回车,第一部分和第二部分是必需的,第三部分则是给人看的,可写可不写甚至乱写。 还有,这一句的输出必须在html文件的第一行。 下面我给出各代码所代表的意思(是从w3.org上查到的,够权威了): * 1xx: informational – request received, continuing process * 2xx: success – the action was successfully received, understood, and accepted * 3xx: redirection – further action must be taken in order to complete the request * 4xx: client error – the request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled * 5xx: server error – the server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request | “100” ; continue | “101” ; switching protocols | “200” ; ok | “201” ; created | “202” ; accepted | “203” ; non-authoritative information | “204” ; no content | “205” ; reset content | “206” ; partial content | “300” ; multiple choices | “301” ; moved permanently | “302” ; moved temporarily | “303” ; see other | “304” ; not modified | “305” ; use proxy | “400” ; bad request | “401” ; unauthorized | “402” ; payment required | “403” ; forbidden | “404” ; not found | “405” ; method not allowed | “406” ; not acceptable | “407” ; proxy authentication required | “408” ; request time-out | “409” ; conflict | “410” ; gone | “411” ; length required | “412” ; precondition failed | “413” ; request entity too large | “414” ; request-uri too large | “415” ; unsupported media type | “500” ; internal server error | “501” ; not implemented | “502” ; bad gateway | “503” ; service unavailable | “504” ; gateway time-out | “505” ; http version not supported
http://www.bkjia.com/phpjc/532199.htmlwww.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/phpjc/532199.htmltecharticle在照彭武兴先生的《php bible》中所述,header可以送出status标头,如 就可以让用户浏览器出现文件找不到的404错误,但是我试了这样是不行的…